There may be times when you need to set your router back to the original configuration it had when it left the factory. This process is commonly known as a Factory Reset and is relatively common across popular modem and router brands. You may wish to check with your manufacturer's manual or website first.
- Find an item similar to a SIM ejection tool - even a paperclip will do. It needs to be around 3-4cm long. I'll refer to it as a paperclip for this exercise.
- On the back of your router, locate a small hole that is labelled Reset. This is often found near the power button but may be located elsewhere on your particular device.
- The router should be turned on and have been idle for at least 2 minutes.
- Locate the reset hole and insert the paperclip. You should expect to feel a faint click as the micro-button inside the hole is depressed. Keep holding the paperclip in that position while slowly counting to 15.
- Remove the paperclip and watch the lights on your device. They may all turn off, all turn on and then just show the power light. It's different for each model but you should observe that an activity is taking place.
After about 2 minutes, all the changing lights should have settled down and the router should be idle in it's factory-reset state.
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