In this article:
I have or want to Factory Reset my ASUS
If you're reading this, you may have reset the Asus router we sent you. This particular router is brand new but we're the second owner. We feel that recycling routers that could have ended up in landfill when ISPs close down, is the right and responsible thing to do.
Part of getting this router to you was modifying just one network setting, ISP-Profile. If you've reset the router or it isn't working for whatever reason, this quick guide will show you how to get back online asap!
First, factory-reset the router by inserting a pin or paper clip in the reset hole which you'll find next to the power button. While you're pressing the pin in the hole, wait until you see the power light begin blinking. You can remove it from the hole.
After about 90 seconds you should see the power light, 2.4 and 5 gHz lights back on and solid. Now it's time to log into the router.
- Using a PC, smart phone or tablet, connect to ASUS-WiFi-2G
- Open a web browser and browse to
- Login with the default username and password
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
- You will be prompted to ender a new username and password
- Now select LAN and then IPTV
- Change ISP Profile to none
- Apply the settings
After about 90 seconds, reconnect your device to Wi-Fi and you will be connected to the Internet.
I want to change my Wi-Fi Network Name and Password
While connected to ASUS-WiFi-2G or ASUS-WiFi-5G, open a web browser and navigate to
- Login with the default username and password
- Username: admin
- Password: password
- On the right of the home screen you'll see the System Status Menu. You will see a 2.4 GHz panel and a 5 GHz panel below it. Common to both are Network Name (SSID) and APW-PSK Key
- Change the network name to your preferred network name, remembering to name your 2.4 and 5 GHz channels differently so you recognize them. If you choose to name both Channels the same name, you will only see one name and your devices will only connect to the strongest channel available - usually 2.4 GHz.
- Change APW-PSK Key, Or Wi-Fi password to one you will remember. It's advisable to keep the same password for both networks.
- Apply the settings when you are done.
After about 90 seconds, reconnect your device to Wi-Fi and you will be connected to the Internet.
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