Note: This router will often work without any settings changes required; we recommend you check if you can connect to the internet after completing step 1. You don't need to make any more changes. You can factory reset the device by pressing the button inside the reset hole in the back for 30 seconds at any time once it's fully started.
Step 1: Connect your router to the ONT (Fibre device on your wall) via an Ethernet cable. This should go in the blue WAN port in the router and will typically go in the GE1/LAN1 port in the ONT device. However, this port may change depending on the number of services active at your property. Please ensure nothing is plugged into the grey DSL port in the router.
Step 2: Log in to your HG659
Browse to the login page
Username: Admin (Capital A is required)
Password: VF-NZhg659 or @ followed by the last eight digits of the Serial Number. For example, @12345678
The password required will depend on the firmware version the router is running.
Step 3: Click save in the box shown below.
Step 4: Click Start Wizard.
Step 5: Select "Connect with no user account"
Step 6: You should now be connected. If you are unable to connect, you can check the settings via the page below, accessed by clicking "Internet" in the options at the top and then selecting "Edit" under the "internet_Ethernet" service in the list.
Step 7: Click Save. The router is configured correctly if the settings match what is shown in the screenshot above.
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